Introduction to the Inflexible Law of Cancer,
discovered by Doctor Ryke Geerd Hamer, and verified on the 9th of December 1988 in the University of Vienna.

Until now, medical research into cancer has concentrated its investigations on the site of the cancerous growth: lungs, liver, breasts, bones, etc. The problem under consideration was: why do the body's cells suddenly start to proliferate in such an anarchic fashion? A virus? External agents such as tobacco, chemical products in foods, etc.?

Treatments were focussed on finding new ways to arrest the cellular proliferation: operations, X-rays, cobalt, chemotherapy...

Doctor Hamer re-examined the problem from another perspective. From his own experience –he himself suffered cancer-, and that of the patients under his charge, he has noticed over the years that there is always a well-defined syndrome behind the appearance of a cancer, and this is not simply any case of stress. A powerful stimulus is needed, a brutal psychic shock that the victim perceives as the principal event in his life; an acute, dramatic conflict, lived in psychic isolation. He has named this initial syndrome, which he discovered and which he has carefully checked in each of the thousands of cases so far examined (11,000 by 1988), the Dirk Hamer Syndrome (D.H.S.), in memory of his son Dirk whose tragic death in 1978 was the origin of his own cancer.

The experience of these thousands of individual cases, diagnosed and treated in the course of the last several years, has enabled him little by little to pick out the common factors, and to formulate a law, which is always precisely obeyed, the Inflexible Law of Cancer, that has never been refuted.

This law, in which the Dirk Hamer Syndrome is the keystone, the foundation, is expressed as follows:

  1. Every cancer is triggered by a Dirk Hamer Syndrome, i.e., by an extremely brutal shock, an acute, dramatic conflict suffered in isolation and perceived by the victim as the worst he has ever experienced.
  2. The subjective degree of the conflict, the manner in which the victim feels it at the moment of the Dirk Hamer syndrome, its exact form, is what determines:
    1. The Hamer Focus, i.e., the specific zone of the brain that, under the impact of the psychic shock, suffers a breakdown in its field and issues anarchic commands to the body's cells that depend on this zone.
    2. the part of the body where the cancer grows.
  3. There is an exact correlation between the evolution of the conflict and that of the cancer, on the twin cerebral and organic levels.
If the conflict becomes complicated by new, secondary conflicts (for example, by the anguish of knowing that you have a cancer), another zone of the brain may be affected, and another tumour will appear in the corresponding organ (classical medicine calls this metastasis).

Once the conflict disappears, the zone of the brain that was affected stops issuing anarchic commands. It resumes the functions that it was previously performing. The cells cease their anarchic growth. The cancer stops growing.

After the conflict ends, the perturbed zone of the brain needs some time to recover. To heal itself, it surrounds itself with an intra- and perifocal edema. This edema, which can be detected by scanners, is what allowed Doctor Hamer to determine precisely which zones had been affected by each type of conflict, and which were the corresponding affected organs.

At the end of the conflict, the brain also orders the regeneration of the diseased organ. The tumour is repaired (peritumoural edema, ascites, pleural or pericardial effusions), it forms a cyst, it changes in a way determined by its location, sometimes contracting via scar formation (breasts, abdomen), sometimes by reconstitution (recalcification of osteolytic lesions), sometime by expulsion (oral, rectal and vaginal cavities, etc.).

The reparation, or healing, phase, lasts exactly as long as the conflict phase. If, during this phase, there is a recurrence of the conflict, the phase will be prolonged. This healing phase is accompanied by fatigue, pains and edemas, symptoms that can be eased using the therapies recommended by Doctor Hamer.

At the end of this healing phase, which progresses synchronously on the three levels, psychic, cerebral and organic, the localised swelling due to the cerebral edematization disappears and the organism recovers its good health.

Painstakingly developed year by year by empirical methods, the Inflexible Law of Cancer now allows many doors to be opened. In fact, Doctor Hamer has determined that leukaemia obeys this law exactly: its origin is in a serious conflict caused by a loss of self-esteem. And when there is no cerebral trauma or congenital malformation involved, epileptic attacks are, so to speak, a brutal sympaticotonic oscillation intended to stop excessive edamatization caused by vagotonia.

A myocardial infarction always develops during the phase following the resolution of a territorial conflict, providing this conflict has lasted at least two or three months.

At the present time, there are a large number of diseases that can be deduced from the Inflexible Law: sclerotic plaques, Parkinson's disease, polyarthritis, diabetes, eczema, asthma, zoster, ulcers, nervous depression, mental illness, etc. There is always a conflict of a precise type behind each of these diseases, and a cure is possible after the conflict is eliminated.

Translator's Note:

This text was translated from a Spanish original that presumably contains terms translated from Hamer's writings. Multi-step translations always increase the risk of distortion, although every effort has been made to avoid this. In particular, Hamer's Law was called, in the original, «la Ley de Hierro del Cancer», literally, «the Iron Law of Cancer». I have translated this as «The Inflexible Law of Cancer», since this seems to be the implication of «iron» in this context.